There was a total of 856 eligible voters with 330 ballots returned.
Local 110 would like to thank our Auditor Al Scherbarth for acting as the independent third party for this election.
Thanks to the Members of our Election Committee Ivan Jerrett (Chair), Pat Sullivan, Doug Johnson, Perry Kraus, and Dwayne Banks, this was not an easy election for the committee and we thank you for your participation.
Thank you to all Members who put their names forward in this election. Your participation in the process and in the Local are appreciated.
Lastly, congratulations to all Members that were elected by vote or acclamation. We look forward to your ideas and leadership in the years ahead.
- Dan Annett 231 Elected
- Janice Matlock 95
Vice President
- Ralph Bunker Acclamation
Business Manager
- Stacy Edmondson 168 Elected
- Kevin Lecht 158
Northern Business Agent
- Andrew Doucet Jr.141 Elected
- Philippe Poirier 93
- Warren Bruening 92
Central Business Agent
- Ryan Lapointe Acclamation
Southern Business Agent
- Derek Stock Acclamation
Executive Board
- Alan Daidson 235 Elected
- Matt Redmond 211 Elected
- Darrell Countryman 190 Elected
- Dennis Reinbold 186 Elected
- Danny Dmetruk 175 Elected
- Barry Luc 174
- Harold McIntosh 172
- Dylan Percher 159
Financial Trustees
- Cale Haack Acclamation
- Neil Holatko Acclamation
- Chris Trevors Acclamation
Sgt. At Arms North
- Marcel Steffensen Acclamation
Sgt. At Arms South
- Neil Holatko Acclamation
Recording Secretary
- Sheena Doucet Acclamation