Local 110 Official Election Results as per Independent Third Party

There was a total of 856 eligible voters with 330 ballots returned.

Local 110 would like to thank our Auditor Al Scherbarth for acting as the independent third party for this election.

Thanks to the Members of our Election Committee Ivan Jerrett (Chair), Pat Sullivan, Doug Johnson, Perry Kraus, and Dwayne Banks, this was not an easy election for the committee and we thank you for your participation.

Thank you to all Members who put their names forward in this election. Your participation in the process and in the Local are appreciated.

Lastly, congratulations to all Members that were elected by vote or acclamation. We look forward to your ideas and leadership in the years ahead.


  • Dan Annett 231 Elected
  • Janice Matlock 95

Vice President

  • Ralph Bunker Acclamation

Business Manager

  • Stacy Edmondson 168 Elected
  • Kevin Lecht 158

Northern Business Agent

  • Andrew Doucet Jr.141 Elected
  • Philippe Poirier 93
  • Warren Bruening 92

Central Business Agent

  • Ryan Lapointe Acclamation

Southern Business Agent

  • Derek Stock Acclamation

Executive Board

  • Alan Daidson 235 Elected
  • Matt Redmond 211 Elected
  • Darrell Countryman 190 Elected
  • Dennis Reinbold 186 Elected
  • Danny Dmetruk 175 Elected
  • Barry Luc 174
  • Harold McIntosh 172
  • Dylan Percher 159

Financial Trustees

  • Cale Haack Acclamation
  • Neil Holatko Acclamation
  • Chris Trevors Acclamation

Sgt. At Arms North

  • Marcel Steffensen Acclamation

Sgt. At Arms South

  • Neil Holatko Acclamation

Recording Secretary

  • Sheena Doucet Acclamation

Farewell as Business Manager of Local 110

Dear Union Family,

I believe that all members know the overwhelming pride I have had being your Business Manager and moving this Union forward over the last 10 years, and 3 years before that as the Northern Business Agent. Since the results of the election were announced I have had numerous calls, texts, and emails from members. I thank each and everyone of you, I cannot describe how much knowing I have made a positive difference in your lives means to me and I am truly moved by the gestures.

Looking back over my time as Business Manager Local 110 has faced some major challenges and had great accomplishments. I have had the opportunity to bring forward two Provincial Construction Agreements that were accepted by vast majority of the membership. Our union moved into areas of work that had been ignored and represented new areas of work like the printing and promotions company currently under our Local. I was also able to shepherd our local through the downturn that tied into the COVID 19 pandemic that resulted in 93% of our membership being unemployed and oil trading in the negative for the first time in history. I also worked diligently to move our local from deficit spending to fiscally responsible, banking significant funds to build for the future. We now have a dues process that should provide for our Local no matter the economic situation and should never need to be changed. I brought forward and help build the Pre-Apprenticeship training and bring job ready training in house such as harness training and AWP training. I thank Dan Annett and Kassy McDowell for supporting these initiatives and moving them forward, it would not have been possible without them.

To the staff of Local 110 over the last decade. As a rank-and-file member I never knew how much this Local relies on you, the work you all do for this Local is awe-inspiring. Thank you all. I would like to especially thank Cecilia Wakaruk, our Office Manager and Head of Health and Welfare, no one in this office works as hard as you do for our membership, your help to me was over the years was invaluable and truly appreciated. If this local loses you it will leave a hole that could never be filled.

To all the members who stepped forward in this last election, thank you for the dedication you have for our Local and putting yourself forward. It is a difficult decision to run for office, and if you were successful or not discouragement and second thoughts will happen. Stay engaged with the Local and work to encourage other members to become more involved for the betterment of our Local.

For my successor and the Business Agents I leave you with three things. First the words of John Lewis “Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” This wasn’t said about the labour movement or being a union representative, but it fits very well. Second if you are doing your job the right way it will be the most difficult job you ever had, if you are doing it wrong it’s the easiest job. Third and last no matter how hard the members are on you be harder on yourself, that way you know you are making the right decision not the popular one.

Lastly to members, colleagues of other locals and the International, friends, and family, thank you for making the last decade special beyond words. Though I will no longer be in the office every day, I am still and will remain a proud and dedicated Local 110 member and will continue to advance our Local with all my heart and soul.

In Solidarity,

Kevin Lecht

Business Manager

2024 Local 110 Election Results

Business Manager – Stacy Edmondson

Business Agent North – Andrew Doucet Jr.

Business Agent Central – Ryan Lapointe (Acclamation)

Business Agent South – Derek Stock (Acclamation)

President – Daniel Annett

Vice President – Ralph Bunker (Acclamation)

Executive Board – Darrell Countryman

                              Alan Davidson

                              Danny Dmetruk

                              Matt Redmond

                               Dennis Reinbold

Financial Trustees – Cale Haack (Acclamation)

                                 Neil Holatko (Acclamation)

                                 Chris Trevors (Acclamation)

Sgt. At Arms North – Marcel Steffensen (Acclamation)

Sgt. At Arms South – Neil Holatko (Acclamation)

Recording Secretary – Sheena Doucet (Acclamation)

Thank you to all the members who ran in this election and Congratulations to the winners. A big thank you to Election Committee for all their help.

Ivan Jerrett

Election Committee Chair

In Person Voting

In Person Balloting for the 2025-2028 Officers Term starts today. Voting will be open from 1:00 PM till 8:00 PM at the Calgary Union Hall 6165-6 Street Calgary Alberta.

RE In-Person Balloting

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

With the Canada Post Strike continuing for the forceable future, the Election Committee has decided to extend in person balloting beyond the process allowed for under Local 110 Working Rules and Bylaws.

Members now have the opportunity to cast a ballot in person in at the following locations and times:

  • Local 110 Union Hall Calgary- Monday December 2, 2024, between the hours of 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM. (6165-6 Street SE Calgary).
  • OE 955 Union Hall Fort McMurray- Wednesday December 4, 2024, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM. (258 Gregoire Drive Fort McMurray)
  • Local 110 Union Hall Edmonton- Thursday December 5, 2024, between the hours of 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

Friday December 6, 2024, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. (9335-47 Street Edmonton)

Members still have the option to drop off or courier their ballot to Al Scherbarth Professional Corporation 10123-99 Street Edmonton Alberta T5J 3H1.

We are aware that a few members may have their ballots trapped in the mail system. Please check with the Edmonton Union hall to see if your ballot has been received. If your ballot has not been received and you vote in person and your ballot arrives at Al Scherbarth’s office your in-person ballot will be the one that will be used for the count.

If you have any questions, please call the Edmonton Union Hall and you will be put in contact with a member of the Election Committee.

Thank you.

Ivan Jerrett

Election Committee Chair on behalf of the Election Committee

Vanos Insulations           

Good day Union Family

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Vanos Insulations as a signatory contractor with Local 110.

Vanos Insulations comes to us from our sister Local 95, Ontario Canada. Where they specialize in the commercial and light industrial sectors of our industry. Vanos has already secured a project in Southern Alberta that should be taking a few members in early 2025.

I know that with the help of Local 110 members this project will be a success and they will have the opportunity to expand further into Alberta providing new opportunities for our Membership.

In Solidarity,

Kevin Lecht                                                                        

Business Manager

Election Dues

Good day Union Family,

To be eligible to vote in the 2025-2028 Officers Election Journeyman members must have their dues pay up to the end of August. Any outstanding dues must be paid by the end of the day Monday October 21, 2024, or you will not be able to vote in this election.

Currently there are only 620 Journeyman that are eligible to vote in this election.

If you have any questions, please call me at the Edmonton union office.

In Solidarity,

Kevin Lecht                                                                        

Business Manager

Local 110 Election Nominations

Last night nominations took place for the 2025-2028 term. Please see below for the nominations and those positions that were won by Acclamation.

Election Committee

  • Ivan Jerrett – Chair
  • Pat Sullivan
  • Perry Kraus
  • Doug Johnson
  • Dwayne Banks


  • Dan Annett                   Nominated by Pat Sullivan              Second by Phil Poirier
  • Janice Matlock             Nominated by Stacy Edmondson   Second by John Skoglund

Vice President

  • Ralph Bunker              Nominated by John Skoglund          Second by Brian Lecht                      (Acclamation)

Business Manager

  • Stacy Edmondson      Nominated by Janice Matlock         Second by Phil Poirier
  • Kevin Lecht                  Nominated by John Skoglund         Second by Joe Okrainetz

Northern Business Agent

  • Warren Bruening        Nominated by Darrell Countryman               Second by Mark Corcoran
  • Andrew Doucet           Nominated by Brian Lecht                               Second by John Skoglund
  • Phil Poirier                   Nominated by Dan Annett                                Second by Barry Luc

Central Business Agent

  • Ryan LaPointe             Nominated by Dan Annett                Second by John Skoglund                (Acclamation)

Southern Business Agent

  • Derek Stock                 Nominated by John Skoglund          Second by Alan Davidson                 (Acclamation)

Executive Board

  • Darrell Countryman Nominated by Warren Bruening    Second by Phil Adam
  • Alan Davidson             Nominated by Dan Annett                Second by Brian Lecht
  • Sheena Doucet            Nominated by Dan Annett                Second by Joe Okrainetz
  • Danny Dmetruk          Nominated by Brian Lecht               Second by Andrew Doucet
  • Barry Luc                      Nominated by Dan Annett                Second by Stacy Edmondson
  • Harold Mcintosh         Nominated by Phil Adam                 Second by Dan Annett
  • Dylan Percher              Nominated by Ralph Bunker           Second by John Skoglund
  • Dennis Reinbold         Nominated by Alan Davidson         Second by John Skoglund

Financial Trustees

  • Cale Haack                    Nominated by Phil Poirier               Second by Phil Adam         (Acclamation)
  • Neil Holatko                 Nominated by Alan Davidson         Second by George Heyd    (Acclamation)
  • Chris Trevors              Nominated by Phil Poirier               Second by Dwayne Banks (Acclamation)

Sgt. At Arms North

  • Marcel Steffensen       Nominated by John Skoglund         Second by Dan Annett       (Acclamation)

Sgt. At Arms South

  • Neil Holatko                 Nominated by George Heyd            Second by Alan Davidson (Acclamation)

Recording Secretary

  • Sheena Doucet            Nominated by Dwayne Banks        Second by Kaitlyn Lambert (Acclamation)

In Solidarity,

Kevin Lecht                                                    

Business Manager

Alberta Commissioner of Oaths

Good day Union Family

A number of years ago I became a Commissioner of Oaths for the province of Alberta.

Next week I am coming up to Fort McMurray and will be helping a few members with their documents that they need to be commissioned. If there are any other members that require this service, please bring your documents to the monthly union meeting.

In solidarity

Kevin Lecht                                                                        

Business Manager

Provincial Construction Collective Bargaining

Good day Union Family

Our Provincial Insulators General Construction Sector Collective Agreement is set to expire April 30, 2025. This means that the official bargaining process will be starting shortly for all trades. This agreement covers all construction work performed by our union, from commercial to industrial work. Also, the rates and increases paid under the General Presidents Maintenance Agreements come directly from this agreement.

The last round of bargaining took four years to complete and started with the unreasonable expectation from the contractors that our member would have a 20% reduction forced upon them, but in the end, we won a 15.7% increase to our wage package.

Preparation has already begun for this round of bargaining, but members need to provide input on what changes need to be made to the agreement moving forward, and what issues need to be addressed. If you wish to make a submission you can email it to me at KevinL@insulators110.com or by mail to the Edmonton union hall 9335-47 Street, Edmonton, AB T6B 2R7.

The more submissions provided by the members the better prepared our bargaining committee will be. Its our union, our agreement, and our voice make sure you provide your input.

In solidarity

Kevin Lecht                                                                        

Business Manager