Re. Local 110 Woman’s Committee  

Dear Local 110 Family,

Local 110 Build Together Representative Kaitlyn Lambert, has been doing an outstanding job being an active participant and leader in the Building Trades of Alberta Build Together group. At the same time, she has been highlighting the positives for ladies moving into a unionized career path and of course mechanical insulation with Local 110. She is now going to take her knowledge and passion for women in the trades and help build the Local 110 Woman’s Committee as the Chair.

Why do we need a Woman’s Committee:

Our Local needs a Woman’s Committee now more than ever. Currently Local 110 has over 17% women in our membership, and through Alberta Apprenticeship the Insulator trade has the ninth highest involvement of women in the skilled trades. However, even with this level of participation, women still face challenges in the workplace that need to be addressed if our industry and Local are going to grow into the future.

The Woman’s Committee will be a way for women in our Local to connect with each other, work together to develop positive change, discuss the challenges they face in the workplace, and work together to overcome these challenges.

What will the Woman’s Committee do:

Most Union Woman’s Committees are focused on things like:

  • Helping build equality between members.
  • Helping union leadership with bargaining to ensure women’s workplace issues are part of the process.
  • Supporting interest and involvement in the Local and Union events.
  • Helping with recruitment and organizing efforts.
  • Working with other woman’s groups to bring attention to common issues.

However, since our Local is unique I believe that the Local 110 Woman’s Committee will have to collaborate and build a direction for the committee that works for them and the Local. In my role as Business Manager, I will support the committee and be involved as much or as little as the committee feels is appropriate, and work with Chairperson Lambert to ensure the committee’s success.

If you are interested in joining the Woman’s Committee or have additional questions, please email Kaitlyn Lambert at

I ask that all members be supportive of this Committee and encourage every woman in our Local to join because the more involvement the Local 110 Woman’s Committee has the stronger Local 110 will be for all members.

In Solidarity.

Kevin Lecht                                                                          

Business Manager