Good day Union Family
Since March Local 110 has not been able to hold proper General Membership Meetings, due to the restrictions on gatherings that have been placed by the Provincial Government, and the International Office cancelling all meetings and elections until further notice. Each month I am hopeful that we will be provided authorization for meetings, that is why the Local 110 Executive Board has been meeting as close as possible to the end of the month, but it is clear that with the number of cases spiking in some areas we still have a long way to go.
In light of the situation Local 110 is going to attempt to have a “town hall” style meeting using Zoom. Obviously, Local 110 is not able to ensure that the information will not be recorded and or provided to individuals outside the Membership, so we will not be able to make motions or complete the financial report. The meeting will be in an information style focused on Bill 32 with BTA Executive Director Terry Parker, and Local 110 Bargaining. Members will be able to ask questions through an Email address provided during the meeting.
The meeting will take place Wednesday August 26, 2020 starting at 7:00 PM Mountain Standard Time.
The Zoom system has the ability to have video through the app on your computer or mobile device or the meeting can be attended through a call-in number from any phone. We need members who are interested in attending the meeting to email with your name and email address you want us to send the meeting access code.
This is the first time that we will be hosting a meeting with this number of people. If this works well more of this style of meetings will be scheduled, if not we will look into other options. If there are any questions, I can be reached at the Edmonton Union hall.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager