Update Fuller Austin Suncor

Good Morning,


Latest information we have from Suncor regarding the return to work for the Turnaround and Maintenance




  • Return date Management/Supervisor Wednesday May 11 or May 12
  • FM and DFL May 12-13
  • Camp Noralta (subject to change)




  • Expectation for the Maintenance team is to return to site(boots on the ground) on Monday May 16
  • Camp Borealis (subject to change)


Suncor has assigned Travel Coordinators to arrange travel to site from either Calgary or Edmonton.  We have sent out a blanket email late yesterday to all Turnaround employees that we have email addresses for and approximately 50 have responded so far.  We have no email addresses for approximately 38 workers and will call them this morning.  Following that we will send communication out to all Maintenance personnel to provide an update on their return to work which is expected for Monday May 16th.


We also need to contact all workers who have taken the recent call to confirm their location and coordinate Suncor flights from either  Edmonton or Calgary in order to coordinate a mobilization and orientation date.


Once we know the status of all workers availability to return to work we will advise if additional workers are required to fill out the crews. 



Ron Richards, Vice President