We hope this post finds everyone safe and out of harm’s way from the fires. We are confident that all Aluma employees from the Syncrude site have been evacuated and are safe. We would like to thank all who helped with the Fort McMurray fire disastor, from those who gave up their camp rooms for the evacuated families, to those that manned the phones, the liaisons between camps, and everyone else who did their part in this time of crisis.
We would also like to thank those who are continuing to help in other parts of the province and country by opening their homes and hearts by providing food, shelter, transportation and comfort for those in need.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who are residents of Ft McMurray and hope this post finds them and their families safe.
We ask anyone who has not done so, to contact their families of their whereabouts.
What Now??
On Friday night we were informed that Syncrude will be bringing down its plant and taking it off line. They have procedures to do this safely, and when the time comes, to bring it back online safely. At this time, with the uncertainty of the fires, they have no timeline for startup. Once the region becomes more stable, there will be more information.
We will not be issuing Lay Offs for our employees at this time, we encourage everyone to use the below link, set up especially for Ft McMurray evacuees, to start their Employment Insurance claims.
Go to: Government of Canada Web Page
Search: Fort McMurray: Important Notice
With all of our management and admin team relocated across the province, our resources are limited, we are working at ensuring those who worked May 1-3 (Sun-Tues) will still receive their regular pay on Thursday May 12. All other questions will have to wait until we can regroup and execute a path forward.
Once again, thank you to all of you who helped and continue to help in this time of crisis.