Good day Union Family
As we all know there has been a sudden and significant amount of work being posted for Local 95 in Ontario, and there have been several Local 110 members that have taken travel cards to help man this work.
For the majority of members that have received travel cards they have been ineligible to work for the contractors or at the sites that are posted on our dispatch board, or they reside outside of Alberta. Unfortunately, there are numerous members that have been quitting jobs in Fort McMurray to be given site or company restrictions so that they could take a travel card. This is a practice that can no longer continue.
The Local must man the work in our jurisdiction first. As such if you quit or are fired Local 110 will not issue a travel card for you until one month after your last day employed.
I fully understand the reasons members are looking to work in other provinces. For the last few weeks, I was part of bargaining for the new GPMA and NMA contracts and although I do not believe they have addressed all the issues there are significant positive changes being made to start in January.
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Local 110