Good day Union Family
With our Union moving through these changing times with uncertain work outlook, out Local needs to focus on areas of our industry that have been lost to the Union or have completely developed outside of our Union. One of these areas is Spray Urethane Foam Insulation. This application is used in residential, commercial, and industrial applications, most of our members have most likely seen this product used on storage tanks with a black protective coating applied overtop.
Although industry in Alberta has slowed a number of companies that provide Spray Urethane Foam Insulation services are busier than ever before. Unfortunately, most of the employees in this industry are not seeing the benefits of this increased workload most do not have benefits of any kind and none that we have talked to have pensions of any kind. In addition to these financial short comings most employees receive limited training with substandard working conditions. This is where Local 110 fits in, we can provide a comprehensive benefit package, an established pension and/or RRSP program, and agreements that provide quality working conditions.
So, how are we looking to move into this industry? Already our Client Contractor Liaison Andrew Garrett is making contact with existing contractors to better understand their needs and start a comprehensive top down organizing program. However, it is difficult to move an industry to unionization without additional outside pressure. That is why I am meeting with our signatory contractors looking to help them grow their current business into the Spray Urethane Foam Insulation market, most of the companies with firestop divisions or coatings divisions have some interest. As well the Trustees of the Training trust are looking at helping with or covering the full cost of CUFCA (Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association Inc.) Installers Certification. This will help ensure our members are properly certified to complete these installations.
This may look to be our union pushing into an unrelated industry, but this is not the case a number of our sister unions in Canada have Spray Urethane Foam as a part of there collective agreement, with hundreds if not thousands of pensionable hours completed each year. There is no reason our members are missing out on these jobs.
Lastly, since this industry is dominated by small contractors, this could be an opportunity for members that would like to open their own company. If any members are interested in opening a company in this industry Local 110 is willing to do what we can, to help make your business successful.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager