Good day Brothers and Sisters
Over the last few years Local 110 has had members working for non-union companies as Salts. The objective of these members was to find educated, trained, certified mechanical insulators working for the non-union sector and convince these people to become members of Local 110. The reason for these activities was to help man the overwhelming amount of work that our signatory contractors had secured and grow our membership.
Early in 2016 it was obvious that the world of Oil was changing and that it was going to have a major impact on the work situation for the members of Local 110. With this change our objectives for Salting changed as well; Local 110 moved our focus from pulling people to the union side and started to focus on convincing companies to become unionized contractors.
With the change in the economy Local 110 is now looking to expand it's Salting efforts. To this end the Local 110 Client Contractor Liaison Brandon Hammond is available to meet with any members who are interested in working non-union as a Salt for Local 110. Brandon can be reached by phone at the Edmonton Union Hall (780) 426 2874. Members will be required to sign a Salting agreement and abide by the rules set out in the agreement.
This will not be an open pass to work non-union. Members found working non-union without a signed Salting Agreement will be charged as per the International Constitution and Bylaws as well as the Local 110 Bylaws. Also there will be some contractors or projects that the Local will not sign a Salting Agreement for, such as NWR for Thomas. This project is majority Union insulation contractors and if this one non-union contractor cannot man the work with quality mechanical insulators the work scope will be move to one of our signatory contractors and result in more of our members working.
Salting is not an easy job, but it helps us control our market by not allowing non-union companies to build an alternative workforce. If our members can man these projects the end goal is to turn these companies into good signatory contractors for Local 110 and reduce the non-union workforce.
If any members have questions please contact Brandon at the Edmonton Union Office.