Good day Union Family
The last number of weeks the Local 110 office in Calgary and Edmonton have been closed, except for those individuals that make an appointment with restrictions in place. This has included completing the COVID 19 screening paperwork and having your temperature taken with a thermal camera.
As the Province of Alberta moves forward in their reopening, we are looking forward to reopening our offices as well. Currently, we are planning to reopen the offices on Monday July 6th. However, some of the PPE that has been ordered, to ensure the health and safety of our staff, is not yet installed. If the contractor cannot complete the work before July 6th, the opening date will have to be pushed back to accommodate the work.
The next step would be to restart monthly General Membership Meetings. Of-course we will be following Government restrictions at that time. However, current direction from the International office all meetings have been put on hold until further notice. Once we receive the go head Local 110 will commence with monthly meetings again, but there has been no word on when that will be. The Local has had Socially Distanced and Zoom Executive board meetings to conduct business as this situation continues.
In the end the Health and Safety of our Staff, Members, and Officers is the first priority and we will follow the regulations and error on the side of cautions until this pandemic is over.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager