To Whom it may concern
Recently it has come to our attention that an individual Mark Scott has made a number of racist and inflammatory comments on social media, while at the same time claiming to be a member of the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Local 110. Although Mr. Scott attended training with our Local and worked less than a month with one of our signatory contractors as a Permit Worker, Mr. Scott is not and has never been a member of our Local. Currently we are taking legal steps to have Mr. Scott cease and desist representing himself as a member of our organization.
Local 110 is an organization made up of members from virtually every country in the world. We have all come together to improve working conditions, health and safety, benefits, occupational health and ultimately provide a better quality of life for ourselves and our families through collective bargaining. There is no place for racism, intolerance, hate, discrimination, or harassment in our organization, and any member found to be engaging in these kinds of activities will be dealt with through the Local 110 Bylaws/Code of Conduct and the International Constitution and Bylaws.
As individuals and as a Union, we must be leaders and stand up against racism, hate, and intolerance and work against those in society that seek to divide us as a community. Bringing light to these issues and having the difficult conversations that will come because of it, will only make us stronger as a Union and as a community.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager