Good day Brothers and Sisters
By now the journeyman members of the Local should have received the notice of Nomination and Election for Delegates to the International Convention in Boston that was sent out on May 11, 2017.
As most of the membership knows Local 110 has not in previous years mailed out a notice for Nomination and Election for delegate positions. It has always been the policy of Local 110 to nominate and elect delegate representatives from the floor of our monthly General Membership Meetings as required. This year was no exception, with Nomination and Election of delegate for the International Convention completed at the March 2017 General Membership Meeting.
Our process was brought under scrutiny by the International and it was found by International General President McCourt that we were in violation of US federal law that requires notice of Nomination and Election the same as an Election of Union officers, and that the US Department of Labor requires that selection of delegates attending conference in the US must comply with US law even if the delegates are from Canada. As such our Delegate Election from March is void.
Since there is limited time before the International Convention General President McCourt has waived the timelines in our Constitution and Bylaws, so that notice could be sent out and Nominations and Election could be held at the June 2017 General Membership Meeting. This will allow Local 110 to be fully represented at the 2017 International Convention and be in full compliance with Department of Labor requirements.
I hope this clears up any confusion caused by the change of process.
Thank you