Members Assistance Program

Good day Union Family

Our International has added a family assistance program for the entire membership. I am adding the official letter from the International below. This information along with the brochure will be blast emailed to all members as well.

Thank you

Kevin Lecht

Business Manager


Brothers and Sisters, 

   In today’s stressful society we feel having a place for our members and their families to turn to for assistance is a necessity.  We are proud to announce the rollout of the Members Assistance Program (MAP) for the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers.  We have partnered with Perspectives and Youturn to bring a members assistance program that is available for use by every member and their family. The IMAP can be reached by calling or texting: 800-456-6327. 

The website for the IMAP has multiple areas of assistance from skills training, care training, emotional well-being, legal forms, mental health, and substance abuse issues.  There are on-line and live person options with referrals if desired. 

We will begin by having a link on our international website and eventually there will be a direct link available on your local’s app when we complete the roll out of those apps.  In the meantime you can access the website by using this link: and entering the username IMAP and password Perspectives or you can bypass the username and password by using this link:

The IMAP (Insulators Member Assistance Program) is available at no cost to each member and their family to access and benefit from; the program is available as a resource and support 24/7.

This will be an excellent tool for everyone to use and we hope that our entire membership will benefit from this program.  Please visit the website to see for yourself what it has to offer, and additional information will be forthcoming.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Terrence M. Larkin                                                            Robert W. Reap

General President                                                             General Secretary-Treasurer