To: All Local Canadian Locals
From: Lee Loftus, Business Manager Local 118
CC: Vince Engel, Western Vice President
Date: August 2, 2017
Re: Safway Canada
This is to notify All Canadian Locals that Safway Canada is advertising and hiring for both Journeyperson and Apprentice Insulators to work in the Vancouver Area, most likely Shipyards.
Safway Canada is certified to the BC Regional Council of CARPENTERS as an “all employee” certification.
The work that has been secured, is mechanical insulation on board the Canadian Coast Guard Supply Vessel currently under construction at Seaspan Shipyards.
We call on all Locals to notify our Canadian Members not to support our work being done under a Carpenter’s Agreement. We further ask that all Locals report to Local 118 any contact reported by Safway and the details.
Local 118 has unemployed local tradespersons and local contractors ready, able & willing to do this work, but not as a carpenter. It’s insulation work and that work belongs to our craft.
Should you be aware of any such activities, please contact Local 118.