I would like to thank Gerson Villeda, his wife Karla, Susan Markine, Todd Bidzinski and Audrey Auclair for donating their time to stuffing envelopes for the upcoming Provincial Collective Agreement Ratification vote. Their participation was a great help in reducing the overall cost of the mail out and kept our office running smoothly by freeing up our staff to focus on the day to day duties of the office.
A number of times during the year there are opportunities for our members to volunteer. To help this process we would like to start a list of members that would be willing to donate some time to our local. You would be helping with such events as the Children’s Christmas party, Car show/poker run, Golf tournament, Labour Day BBQ, and mail outs.
If you would be interested in putting your name forward to be contacted as need be for these kinds of activities please contact Shannon T at the Edmonton Union office 780-426-2874 or Email her at shannont@insulators110.com.
Thank you and hope to see you soon.