Local 110 Organizing Committee

Good day Brothers and Sisters

Over the last number of years Local 110 has been successfully bringing in a large number of semi-skilled, skilled and some trained/certified Mechanical Insulators from the nonunion simply because of the overwhelming amount of work available through our signatory contractors. As such our Local has had successes with limited effort. However as we all know the work situation in Alberta is changing at a rapid rate and the direction of organizing in Local 110 needs to change with it. As such Local 110 is revamping our Organizing Committee as per the International Constitution and Bylaws.


International Constitution and Bylaws Article XIX Local Unions

Section 25.Every local union shall have an organizing committee appointed by the local union business manager. The business manager shall determine the size of the committee, but the committee shall include at least five members who are not full-time officers of the local union.

The organizing committee shall conduct regular meetings at least once a month and submit to the International Vice President in whose conference the local union is located monthly reports on such meetings. Each local union shall notify the General Office of the time and date on which such regular meetings are scheduled.


The Local 110 Organizing Committee is chaired by Brother Stacy Edmondson and are currently looking for a minimum of 6 Local 110 members in good standing to become members of this volunteer committee. This committee will help plan and develop organizing strategies, help with ongoing campaigns and help motivate and unify our membership regarding organizing goals.

If you are interested in being involved with this committee please contact Stacy Edmondson or Shannon at the Local 110 office 780-426-2874 or email shannont@insulators110.com