Good day Brothers and Sisters
As we all know the market has slowed more than anyone could have expected. With the number of members currently on the unemployed list, our Local is forced to make significant changes to our operation to reduce costs. Although we endeavor to hold the level of service that our members have come to expect in some areas this may not be possible.
The changes that have been made so far include, the hall will no longer be open in the mornings before the monthly union meetings to provide member services, the staff will no longer be answering phones during the lunch hour 12:00 to 1:00 PM, Local 110 staff including the Training Center have been moved from a 40 hour work week to a 32 hour work week. Although the Union offices will still be open between 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday there will be reduced staff, as always it is a good idea for members to have appointments prior to coming to the hall, however this will be extra crucial now as the Business Agents and myself will be required to take on more tasks outside of our regular duties.
The last change has been the most difficult to deal with here in the office and will be the most visible to the membership, is that the Local has laid off two long term employees from our team. Office administrator with Health and Welfare Judy who has been with the Local since 2011 and Executive Administrator Amanda who has been with the Local since 2012. Both of these individuals brought extraordinary skill and efficiency to their positions. Our Local is worse off for having lost them but we wish them the best in their future endeavors.
I thank all the members for their patience and understanding during this time and if you have any questions please contact me at the Edmonton Union office.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht