Last night nominations took place for the 2025-2028 term. Please see below for the nominations and those positions that were won by Acclamation.
Election Committee
- Ivan Jerrett – Chair
- Pat Sullivan
- Perry Kraus
- Doug Johnson
- Dwayne Banks
- Dan Annett Nominated by Pat Sullivan Second by Phil Poirier
- Janice Matlock Nominated by Stacy Edmondson Second by John Skoglund
Vice President
- Ralph Bunker Nominated by John Skoglund Second by Brian Lecht (Acclamation)
Business Manager
- Stacy Edmondson Nominated by Janice Matlock Second by Phil Poirier
- Kevin Lecht Nominated by John Skoglund Second by Joe Okrainetz
Northern Business Agent
- Warren Bruening Nominated by Darrell Countryman Second by Mark Corcoran
- Andrew Doucet Nominated by Brian Lecht Second by John Skoglund
- Phil Poirier Nominated by Dan Annett Second by Barry Luc
Central Business Agent
- Ryan LaPointe Nominated by Dan Annett Second by John Skoglund (Acclamation)
Southern Business Agent
- Derek Stock Nominated by John Skoglund Second by Alan Davidson (Acclamation)
Executive Board
- Darrell Countryman Nominated by Warren Bruening Second by Phil Adam
- Alan Davidson Nominated by Dan Annett Second by Brian Lecht
- Sheena Doucet Nominated by Dan Annett Second by Joe Okrainetz
- Danny Dmetruk Nominated by Brian Lecht Second by Andrew Doucet
- Barry Luc Nominated by Dan Annett Second by Stacy Edmondson
- Harold Mcintosh Nominated by Phil Adam Second by Dan Annett
- Dylan Percher Nominated by Ralph Bunker Second by John Skoglund
- Dennis Reinbold Nominated by Alan Davidson Second by John Skoglund
Financial Trustees
- Cale Haack Nominated by Phil Poirier Second by Phil Adam (Acclamation)
- Neil Holatko Nominated by Alan Davidson Second by George Heyd (Acclamation)
- Chris Trevors Nominated by Phil Poirier Second by Dwayne Banks (Acclamation)
Sgt. At Arms North
- Marcel Steffensen Nominated by John Skoglund Second by Dan Annett (Acclamation)
Sgt. At Arms South
- Neil Holatko Nominated by George Heyd Second by Alan Davidson (Acclamation)
Recording Secretary
- Sheena Doucet Nominated by Dwayne Banks Second by Kaitlyn Lambert (Acclamation)
In Solidarity,
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager