Good day Union Family
Labour Day is the only holiday that honours working people in Canada. It stands to commemorate the great accomplishments of Labour Unions. Such as over-time pay, pensions, health coverage, child labour laws, and labour standards and the list goes on.
In the past Labour Day was a day for Labour Unions to rally and have parades, to show the strength of the Unions and provide members a visual of how they are part of something much bigger than themselves that makes positive change for everyone in Canada. Although these have almost disappeared across Canada, if you ever have the opportunity to be involved in a large Labour Day parade do yourself the favor and attend. I know for myself marching with the Brothers and Sisters of Local 95 in Toronto’s Labour Day parade in 2003 is a fond memory of my time working on travel card in Ontario.
Labour Day this year obviously has a different tone then any that most of us can remember. No matter what your views are on the COVID 19 pandemic, at some point in the last few months a worker woke up, went to work, and did their job believing that in doing so they or someone they love could die through contracting this virus at work. They did this so our lives could continue. So, take the time to thank one of these workers, even if you are one of these workers. Without these people, the last months would have been horrendous and none of them have been compensated enough.
No matter what Labour Day means to you personally, or how you choose to spend the time, remember this is your day. Your contribution to Canada through the work you do is important, we all rely on each other. Enjoy the day and thank you for all you do for our Union, our Trade, our Contractors, and our Community.
Lastly, just a reminder Local 110 offices will be closed September 7, 2020 in observance of Labour Day.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager