Good day Brothers and Sisters
As all of you know the economic situation in Alberta has changed over the last few years. Fortunately for Local 110 we have been able to keep a large percentage of our members working in the Industrial maintenance sector. Long term partners such as Syncrude, Suncor, Shell Scotford, and Dow Fort Saskatchewan have helped this local through slow times in the past, and over the last few years, new clients such as Kearl Lake IOL, Surmont, Strathcona IOL and Dow Prentiss have been added to our maintenance portfolio, creating greater employment opportunities for Local 110 members.
The backbone of all long term union maintenance positions are the Collective Agreements. All maintenance work currently performed through Local 110 is done so under the terms and conditions of either the General Presidents Maintenance Agreement (GPMA) or the National Maintenance Agreement for Alberta (NMA). In the past these agreements have provided the members of Local 110 with industry leading working conditions and wages, while at the same time providing the client with a highly skilled and certified professional workforce and relative labour stability across all trades.
As previously mentioned, these agreements came up for renewal in December 2015. I have just recently been informed that these negotiations have been completed for both the NMA and GPMA. The NMA has been rolled over and all terms and conditions will stay the same for a minimum of one year. As for the GPMA a number of changes have been made and these changes come into effect April 3, 2016. Most changes are around Transfers, Earned Days Off, Local Resident Status and Over Time Pay. These changes will affect members working at Syncrude, Suncor, Surmont, Kearl Lake, McKay River, Dow Fort Saskatchewan, Dow Prentiss, Shell Scotford, Strathcona IOL, Fire Bag, Shell Chemicals, Shell Albian Sands, and CNRL.
A full review of the changes to the GPMA will happen at the April 9, 2016 Local 110 General Membership Meeting in Edmonton.
I strongly suggest that members be in attendance at this meeting especially those who work or are planning to work, in the Fort McMurray area.