Extension of GPMA Terms and Conditions to Aluma for Long-Term Maintenance at Suncor.

Good day Brothers and Sisters;

The information below is for Fort McMurray Base Plant ONLY

Please see below for the changes to the terms and conditions for Aluma Systems Suncor as set out by the General Presidents Maintenance Committee.

Take note that any member who chooses not to transfer from the existing NMA terms and conditions to those of the Suncor GPMA will be provided a clean-lay off. This has been the historical practice for changes of this nature and is mandatory due to the fact that the employment conditions have been altered for these employees since the time of dispatch.

Thank you


Dear Participants,

The purpose of this communication is to confirm and inform affected parties that the General Presidents’ Maintenance Committee for Canada has extended the terms and conditions of the Suncor GPMA agreement to Aluma Systems Inc. for long-term maintenance work at this site. The affected trades are Carpenters Local 1325 and Insulators Local 110. Implementation will be effective as of July 28, 2016.

Based upon our discussions with Aluma, the current work is being executed under the Alberta NMA, however the Employer has a long-term commercial arrangement with the Client for work that falls within the scope of long-term maintenance. The Client has requested that they transition over to and operate under the terms and conditions of the GPMA for this work moving forward. It was communicated that the Employer stood to lose the current contract if they continued to perform their long-term maintenance under the Alberta NMA.

Aluma Systems has been a long-standing Signatory Employer to both the GPMA and NMA agreements for a number of years and unfortunately with the current economic environment there is no guarantee that this work would be awarded to a unionized maintenance contractor. The Committee has always had a vested interest in protecting the current work of our Employers and ensuring that the terms and conditions of our agreements provide harmony to the labour force on the job site. For the reasons expressed above the terms and conditions of the GPMA agreement have been extended to Aluma Systems Inc. The leadership within the Committee felt that this is the best possible solution for all affected parties as this extension will allow Aluma to continue operating at site and by extension continue to provide our rank and file members with sound and stable job opportunities.

Our office recognizes that this communication serves short notice to the affected parties and would like to extend a thank you for their understanding and willingness to find remedy to the situation as it was presented. The Committee would have liked to take a few days to effectively communicate and address any concerns surrounding this disposition, however extenuating circumstances required immediate action. Please be advised that this development will not be precedent setting and any future inquires of this nature will be reviewed and assessed independently.

Please feel free to contact our office if there are any questions or concerns pertaining to this matter.
Mike Malles
Labour Relations Rep, GPMC