Good day Union Family
Unfortunately, with over a year past since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic we are still dealing with on going impacts to our lives both at home and at work.
A number of Local 110 Members have contracted COVID 19 on the job site and for the most part have been able to be compensated through WCB for the lost time. However, hundreds more have been put into extended isolation in camp due to close contact. This time has not been compensated and when asked the Contractors and Clients refer Members to file for benefits through CERB or Employment Insurance. If the isolation is as simple as having some time off work then this is the correct answer. However, for a number of Members the mental and emotional impacts of isolation, due to COVID exposure on the job site, could be a compensable injury under WCB. As such this time in isolation could be and should be properly compensated through WCB.
Mental health is not commonly discussed in the Construction Industry. However, the excessive mental stress that is being placed on workers needs to be addressed, in doing so proper services can be provided to ensure future mental health and proper compensation can be provided. This does not just apply to Members that are currently being held in isolation. Members that have completed isolation and have returned to work should also apply for services.
If any Member feels this situation applies to them, please make an appointment with your doctor, and then contact me at the Edmonton Union hall so I can assist in moving a WCB claim forward.
In Solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager