Good day Union Family,
Since the return from the Christmas break, I have had several conversations with Members who believe that they have contracted COVID due to job site exposure. I have explained that there have been cases that have been found to be a compensable injury by WCB, with proper compensation being provided.
The Alberta Government has drastically reduced the number of tests being performed and have been telling Albertans to rely on at home quick tests. Unfortunately, these tests do not provide documentation of the positive test that will be accepted by WCB. Due to this if you believe that you have or may have contracted COVID because of an employment related exposure you must take the time and get a PCR test through Alberta Health Services.
The situation with COVID is constantly changing, and every person who contracts COVID responds differently to the virus. Local 110 has had Members who have tested positive and showed no symptoms at all, some Members have had mild symptoms, but unfortunately there are other Members who are still dealing with ongoing issues from Long COVID, others who have spent time in hospital and some that have passed away from complications of COVID. If you test positive from COVID with a possibility that it was a work-related exposure, complete the WCB paperwork as soon as possible. You do not know how your body will react with COVID and it is much harder to get proper compensation if it is not reported as early as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact me at the Edmonton Union office.
In Solidarity,
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager