Good afternoon Brothers & Sisters,
In light of the most recent recommendations by the Alberta Government and the Chief Medical Officer of Health to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Local 110 will continue serving its Membership by remaining OPEN at this time.
However, we are asking that the Members please take precautionary measures and conduct Union business over the phone as much as possible. Social distancing and restricting personal contact are important steps we all need to be taking to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to protect others and ourselves.
You can contact your Business Agent or myself by phone at the Union halls or by email:
Business Manager: Kevin Lecht
Central Business Agent: Stacy Edmondson
Northern Business Agent: Doug Casemore
Southern Business Agent: Derek Stock
Please visit for the latest information, guidance and resources or contact Alberta Health Services through Health Link 811 if you have recently traveled outside Canada and aren’t feel well or think were exposed to someone who has COVID-19.
In solidarity,
Brother Kevin Lecht