CNRL Public Statement


Fort McMurray Forest Fires

May 17, 2016, 9:30am

Canadian Natural is closely monitoring the forest fires and changing wind conditions in the Fort McMurray area with the health and safety of our teams being our first priority. The forest fire continues to be a safe distance from Horizon Oil Sands and the winds are presently out of the south west. There is no current threat to the health and safety of people or infrastructure on our site. We have in place air quality monitoring equipment that consistently demonstrates air quality remaining well within acceptable limits. Should forest fires or air quality conditions change and pose a risk to our people and/or operations, Canadian Natural will take immediate action by enacting our comprehensive emergency evacuation plan with routes by air and ground.

Canadian Natural’s operations are returning to stable conditions today following minor repairs unrelated to the forest fires, which were completed to our upgrader over the past weekend.

We are grateful to everyone on the Canadian Natural team for their continued commitment and hard work through this challenging and fluid situation. Our thoughts and thanks remain with the firefighters and first responders for their determination and efforts to protect people and infrastructure in the region.

May 9, 2016, 4:30pm

The forest fires are moving away from Horizon Oil Sands and there continues to be no threat to the safety of the people on our site. To date, Canadian Natural has flown over 2,300 evacuees from our aerodrome to Edmonton or Calgary and the number of evacuees remaining at site is currently low. With the health and safety of our workers as the top priority, Canadian Natural continues to monitor weather conditions and air quality, which is consistently well within acceptable limits.

Canadian Natural’s current operations remain stable with more than 5,500 workers on site. Activities are beginning to normalize as we are welcoming back vendors and suppliers with deliveries to site resuming by ground. Canadian Natural will continue to closely monitor the wildfire situation in the region, taking immediate action should conditions change that pose a risk to our workers and/or our operations. Horizon has a comprehensive emergency evacuation plan in place with routes by air and ground, if necessary.

We appreciate the ongoing commitment and dedication of our workers through this time and we thank the firefighters and first responders who continue to work hard to protect people and infrastructure in the region.

May 7, 2016, 11:30am

Canadian Natural continues to closely monitor changing weather and air quality conditions with the safety and health of the people on our site of paramount importance. The forest fire is approximately 60 km from Horizon Oil Sands and there is no current threat to the safety of people on our site. Though the smoke over Horizon increased overnight with changing wind conditions, air quality has improved this morning with winds changing back to SW. Conditions are stable and replicating previous weather of sunny and dry conditions. Canadian Natural will continue to fly out Fort McMurray evacuees from our aerodrome as conditions allow and contingency plans are in place to evacuate from ground if necessary.

Current operations remain stable.

We want to thank our workers and evacuees for working together with us to help maintain calm and control through this fluid situation.

May 6, 2016, 12:00pm

Canadian Natural continues to focus on providing support and resources to Canadian Natural workers, Fort McMurray residents, and the firefighting effort. In addition, we are working to ensure that our neighbours in Fort McKay have assistance and support.

Yesterday, Canadian Natural provided flights from our aerodrome to approximately 675 evacuees and we will continue to work with industry colleagues to ensure that their workers and evacuees are safe, given accommodations, and transported to Edmonton or Calgary. To date, more than 1,875 evacuees have flown out from our aerodrome.

Current operations remain stable at this time.

We are grateful and proud for the strong commitment of our staff, firefighters, and emergency responders during this challenging time. Our thoughts remain with all of those impacted by the forest fires.

May 5, 2016 9:00am

Our primary focus remains the safety of Canadian Natural workers and providing support to Fort McMurray residents. We are providing accommodations at our camp for those affected. In the last 24 hours, numerous flights have left from our aerodrome moving out over 1,400 of our own workers. In addition, we have flown out approximately 1,200 evacuees so that they can secure shelter in Edmonton or Calgary. We have approximately 850 camp rooms available for evacuees.

All non-essential business travel to Horizon has been suspended but regular shift changes for operations staff will continue. Many people are currently moving in and out of our camps, and while we have seen some operations outages, current operations remain stable at this time.

We will continue to offer the support of our aerodrome services to government officials for firefighting efforts and a portion of our firefighters and equipment remain in the city helping to fight fires.

We wish to thank our staff, firefighters and emergency responders for their tireless work. Our thoughts are with our employees, their families, and all of those impacted in Fort McMurray and area.

May 4, 2016 9:00am

We are working to ensure that any potentially affected Canadian Natural workers who are residents of Fort McMurray are provided support during this time. We have provided accommodation at our camp for approximately 800 people from Fort McMurray, which includes employees and their families. We have offered the support of our aerodrome services to government officials for firefighting efforts and a portion of our firefighters and equipment are in the city helping to fight fires. Many people are currently moving in and out of camp, and daily operations remain stable.

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