Good day Union Family
The last few weeks have been quite encouraging in regard to the work situation this year. Last year most clients down sized or postponed their shutdowns due to the Pandemic. However, this year clients look to be finding more options on how to deal with the impact of COVID instead of just hoping it will go away. This does mean that our work life will be significantly different, but clients are committed to completing the required shutdown work. I will have the Business Agents provide updates about the sites as information is released.
NWR has put out for bid a large maintenance package. This is a multi-trade package and a number of the usual large union contractors such as Worley are putting together bids. However, I have also been contacted by a number of our contractors that are entering into partnerships with other unionized contractors for other trades to provide the required services for this bid. Although, the Union does not have a preference for what Contractor wins the work, as long as it is a Union Contractor, but it is nice to see the commitment and outside of the box thinking from some Contractors to provide employment opportunities for our Membership.
Grande Prairie area has traditionally been dominated by small contractors performing Mechanical Insulation work, with contracts being awarded at the site level. With the global shift towards working from home a number of the Clients in the area are centralizing procurement back to the main office. This is resulting in new opportunities for Contractors that are able to provide services to multiple sites, and a number of our Contractors have been actively bidding this work. Although, our rates will be enabled to obtain this work, it will be nice to move into a market that the Union have virtually ignored for decades.
Provincial Construction Collective Agreement bargaining has been ongoing since 2018. Our Bargaining Committee has made great strides towards getting a memorandum of agreement. However, for this last year bargaining through meeting apps has been virtually impossible. Progress has been made on wording for the agreement, but there is still significant amount of work left to be done. Hopefully with the changing restrictions from the Alberta Government we will be able to meet again, in person, as a committee and hammer out the last of the agreement.
The Edmonton and Calgary offices are open to the Membership. However, a COVID screening and temperature check have to be completed when entering and Alberta Health Services recommended PPE must be worn at all times while in the building. We do ask if you are able to complete your business through Email, phone, or the website please do so, as reducing possible exposure is in all of our best interests. Training is being provided by the Training Center with limited capacity to ensure proper distancing, please contact the trainers for availability.
Lastly, Local 110 is looking to host another online town hall meeting. If you would like to be involved please email with your name and email you wish to be contacted through and the log in information will be provided to you closer to the date. I would also like to mention that these meetings can be attended by calling in from any phone and the call-in numbers are provided in the email as well.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager