Help us to Unstack the Deck – Message your MLA and attend the Rally for Labour Rights
The Economy Has Changed. So Should Our Workplace Laws. That is why the Alberta Federation of Labour has launched the Unstack the Deck campaign to encourage our provincial government to implement progressive labour legislation in Alberta
How to Participate
Click here to send a message to your MLA telling them it’s time to unstack the deck for Alberta workers, and then,
Attend the Rally for Labour Rights:
Join us in front of the Legislature Building at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 30th for A Rally for Labour Rights. RSVP on Facebook:
Generations of right-wing governments in Alberta have stacked the deck against working people in our province, leaving us with one-sided workplace rules that favour employers at the expense of employees.
The Government of Alberta is in the process of reviewing and updating our workplace laws. As the first progressive government in Alberta since the 1920s, the NDP has an opportunity to unstack the deck and level the playing field by giving Albertans an Employment Standards Code with real teeth and a Labour Relations Code that allows people to exercise their constitutional right to join unions and bargain collectively.
Find out more about our campaign at
Alberta Federation of Labour