Hello Union Family
Recently, Local 110 has been contacted by the Chateau Lacombe Hotel regarding the Local 110 Adult Christmas Party. Due to the restrictions placed on social distancing and the normal size of our group they are not able to accommodate our Christmas Party, however Local 110 will have our deposit moved forward to next year.
At last night’s Executive Board Meeting, we discussed possible options for the Christmas parties and the years of service recognition that usually takes place at the Adult Christmas party. Unfortunately, it was quickly decided that there is no possible way of safely accommodating these celebrations under the current Government regulations. Even if the restrictions were to change over the next few week, it is unlikely Local 110 could ensure the safety of our Members and Families. As such the Executive Board voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 Kids and Adult Christmas Parties.
I know that this is a disappointment for all the Members that normally would attend these events, but it is especially disappointing for the Members that were to be recognized for their years of service to our Local. Our staff will ensure that each Member is mailed their service pin and these Members will be recognized at the 2021 celebration.
Remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of your loved ones.
In solidarity
Kevin Lecht
Business Manager
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Local 110