Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Good morning, there has been some confusion about how Joffre NMA calls work, so just to clarify:
NMA Article 19.303 states the Union will undertake to dispatch qualified persons for employment in the following sequence, (i) qualified union members who are local residents; (ii) qualified union members residing outside of the local area.
As confirmed by the GPMCC/NMCC, this means the company is obligated to hire or name hire (in accordance with the proper percentages) from the pool of qualified members who are deemed to be local residents. If that pool of workers was exhausted, they (the company) would be able to hire or name hire (in accordance with the proper percentages) from those union members residing outside of the local area.
A local resident is a person who has resided within one hundred (100) radius kilometers of the project for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the date of hire and the person's residence is the place where the person permanently maintains a self-contained domestic establishment in which s/he resides; original documents (not photo copies) are required for proof of residence and will be verified by the employer, copied and returned; two (2) of the following are acceptable: income tax assessment; property tax assessment; EI; utilities receipt. All of this is detailed in Article 19.300 of the NMA and all of it was included for competitive as well as practical reasons when the agreement was established in 1994/1995.
I hope this clears up the questions you might have had about this.
Wade Logan
Business Manager